Social media and the beauty industry go hand-in-hand. As a salon owner, part of building your brand is using social media to market your business and connect with followers. Instagram is a fantastic tool for salon owners to showcase their work, team, and products with visual photo and video content. If you’re ready to build your salon’s page or revamp a current one, there are a few tips and tricks to help make it stand out:

Set Up a Business Account 

When you create your salon’s Instagram, make sure you’re setting it up as a business account instead of a personal one. With a business page, you can promote content, add your salon’s contact information, and link to your website for booking new and existing clients. You’ll also find analytical data and insights that show you how much engagement each post is bringing to your page. It’s a great way to market your salon’s brand and showcase beautiful photos of your work. 

Use Hashtags 

Hashtags are a big part of the social media world. They’re used to direct users to content that’s relative to their personal interests. Choose popular hashtags for each of your posts to get them in front of the right audience. For business purposes, you should also focus on using localized hashtags regularly. If you post a bridal make up photo, for example, #NYMUA will connect your content with users that are searching from make-up artists based in New York. 

Choose Your Theme 

Successful Instagram pages are always visually pleasing with photo and video posts that fit well together and focus on a central theme or color scheme. What color scheme best represents your salon’s brand? Is it bright and girly? Or more earthy and neutral? You can use filter presets, or choose not to use filters; either way, the way your photos look should stay consistent. 

Think of Content Ideas

Your salon’s Instagram feed should have a wide variety of content for your audience to engage with, so you’ll want to think of content that will be visually pleasing to your followers. If you really want to stay organized and specific, choose a few different things you might want to showcase on your page:

  • Before and after client photos
  • Video clips of a color process or technique
  • Photos of team members 
  • Product photos and information 
  • Photos that your clients have tagged you in 

Next post we will be talking about creating a social media policy for your staff and how to manage what they post so everyone is on the right page. Stay Tuned.